
Being a parent is not easy. This was brought into sharp focus during the Covid pandemic.

Breaking the cycle of domestic abuse and control and restoring relationships inside the family is truly challenging. This HACRO programme provides individual, intensive support to fathers wishing to improve their relationships with their family and particularly their children.

HACRO has been running parenting courses to the last 10 years and have used this experience to develop a intensive, virtual 8 week programme, which covers:

  • A tailored approach to meet each individual client needs
  • Exploring Relationship Conflict and finding alternative ways to manage this
  • What is being a parent?
  • Healthy Relationships and healthy co-parenting/parallel parenting
  • Impact of conflict on children and how children learn
  • Change and future goals

We are currently receiving on average 5 referrals per month, and we engage with the majority of these.

And it works:

Thank you so much for your help, the Programme really helped me, thank you.


I’m just texting to let you know that I had court yesterday. Professionals could see the changes I have made and how I am doing things differently. Thank you for helping me.


I knew I was a good dad, but now I know there were things I needed to do better. I am now having quality time with my kids and less time being distracted.


Thank you so much. It has been a game changer.


85% of participants told that it was ‘a great help and experience.’