

In its 1st year of operation TurnAround received 141 referrals – 87 of which were signed up and accepted on the project, and a brief outcome is:

Supported with accommodation 12
Supported with accessing health facilities/health issues 10
Supported with bank accounts/financial issues 11
Supported in getting a phone 1
Supported with gaining ID 4
Supported with getting benefits 10


There were approximately 180 activities over the year with over 1000 participants attendances, for more information please see the last 2 years impact reports


HACRO has established Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and built a monitoring system to track progress against these. We have a Project Coordinator who is responsible for obtaining and tracking the data.

Our full suite of Outcome Data and Reporting can be adapted to the specific reporting requirements of our Funders.

In addition, project staff will take basic information and complete the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Assessment (or similar) as each Parcticipant is signed up which is then repeated quarterly and used to track progress for individual Participants. This is then aggregated to provide performance data for the project as a whole with comparisons made to the start position.  Before and after assessments currently include:

  • Offending history and any ongoing issues with police or judicial system
  • Wellbeing – using the Warwick Edinburgh tool
  • Skills and qualifications gained through the programme
  • Improvements in dependency & recovery from substance misuse or mental health issues
  • Readiness for work – ability to cope with attendance, punctuality, following instruction, understanding what employers require of employees, preparation of CV etc.
  • Readiness to undertake formal training or education
  • Proximity to the job market including any job search activity, interviews, work experience or employment undertaken
  • Volunteering history while engaged with the project
  • Personal circumstances – accommodation, relationships, access to health and community resources, bank accounts etc.
  • Aims, objectives, goals and progress towards achieving them

Other areas monitored are:

Participant Attendance

Participant Attendance by course

Average per course

Referrals per month

Participant Into Education/Training

Making the end of project

Participant Into Employment

Participant Into Voluntary

Participant Accreditations

Participant improvement for end of Project

Six weeks of engagement

Supported with Accommodation

Supported with Accessing Key Documentation / Health Facilities / Health Issues

Supported with Getting Benefits

Has not Re-offended

Qualification(s) Achieved


Our ultimate goal is to achieve the outcomes below:

Prevention first

Ex-offenders who are well advanced in their stabilisation who wish to help prevent young people from following their path can undertake public speaking training. To put into practice the skills learnt on this HACRO module they talk to schools and youth groups about their story and the realities of being on the wrong side of the law. This was piloted at a Pupil Referral Unit and was extremely impactful for the young people as well as cementing the former offenders’ commitment to desistance.  Learning how to present themselves through public speaking skills also improves their ability to cope with similar situations including job interviews and encourages them to think about what they want to say and tailor their approach to their audience.

Violence against women and girls

Trauma informed modules for women offenders who have been victims of domestic or other violence are available. In addition, men who are alleged perpetrators of domestic abuse can be referred to our Dedicated Dads programme.

Growing volunteering

HACRO volunteers are trained to use the Shannon Trust 1:1 literacy programme with support and supervision from one of our qualified Tutors.

Tutors are always accompanied by a volunteer assistant in group situations.

Project Participants also volunteer on community activities such as refurbishing play areas and are also encouraged to volunteer as a constructive use of their time, as part of their rehabilitation and potentially as work experience. Some of our former participants become HACRO volunteers when they graduate.

Improved mental health and wellbeing

The HACRO TurnAround programme includes modules on improving mental health and well-being and Participants are supported to access mental health service support where required. Boxing encourages self-discipline, physical and mental health, an interest in nutrition and looking after their bodies. All practical activities provide therapeutic distraction and purposeful activity while classroom-based activities such as anger management, develop self-confidence and self-care skills. Courses include managing anxiety, stress and depression, cookery, computer training, health & safety, customer service etc.  all of which contribute to improved mental health and coping mechanisms.

Reduced misuse of drugs and alcohol

Through evidence-based learning and practical activities, as described above, Participants learn coping mechanisms and productive ways of using their time which contributes towards recovery and/or prevention of relapse. They are supported to access specialist organisations such as CGL, Druglink, Resolve, The Living Room and the development of practical skills.  Boxing was introduced to support mental and physical well-being. Clients have been known to reduce or overcome substance misuse through a change in outlook due to taking part in boxing which emphasises the need to take care of your body.

Case Studies

From a Participant:

I have been through the care system and now a care leaver, I was moved to a special school up north where I boarded due to my ADHD and learning difficulties. Whilst I was there they could see I had a talent for tennis so they allowed me to cut down my lessons to three days a week and then have two days a week which were with a tennis coach – I did this until I reached County level. 
After school I moved back to Watford where I enrolled in college onto a tennis excellence programme for four years after which I began working in David Lloyd as a tennis coach. 

During this time though I began hanging around with the wrong crowd, getting involved with crime and drug use for around 8 years. 
I then found Hacro and have been reunited with tennis once again – if I hadn’t have found Hacro, there’s no way I would have started playing again. Tennis has given me focus and a purpose again and made me feel able and proud. I want to be able to help others to the strength and power I have in tennis. I want to spread and grow my abilities and talent in tennis. 

My parents passing away was a huge turning point in my life, this has given me freedom and allowed me to grow. 

I have also achieved a
– level 3 LTA in tennis 
– Coaching Level 1 + 2 

With Hacro I am involved with a number of projects which have helped me to remain focussed and independent. 

From a Police Officer:

I have seen a huge benefit to Xxxxx. I’d go as far as to say it’s his favourite time of the week, and is a fantastic boost to not only his mental wellbeing but physical too. Xxxxx hopes to use the experience …to eventually return to work in tennis, just having this focus and aim is in itself extremely positive. 


I believe that projects and diversionary activities are vital in the rehabilitation of offenders, engaging in normal activities, often that benefit others, is so positive as it not only provides a distraction from what at times are difficult periods of people’s lives, but learning new skills and meeting people with a similar wish to move on in their lives is incredibly beneficial.

From a Coach:

Being involved in the pilot has been a great experience. What I saw in Xxxxx, is an individual who is keen and enthusiastic about tennis and others. He turns up early to the sessions, brings his own equipment from his past tennis days and is interested in both learning from me and teaching his peer group, Police staff and HACRO staff. When on the tennis court you can see how animated he is, which is infectious to the other participants. Given his approach and attitude I am now looking at getting him integrated into the club, helping with both junior and adult coaching. In addition, I would like to start working with him as an LTA Tutor Mentor.

It was also interested to see how other participants involved in the pilot engaged. One young chap was a little rough around the edges and hadn’t played before but he focused on learning for the duration of the sessions and it was good to see the effort he was putting in.

From the pilot alone we know that we have one person who has taken up tennis again and two (a Police Officer and a HACRO member) who have taken up the game.