Our Mentors are experienced in dealing with our clientele, most of them having either a lived-experience having served custodial sentences.
On starting the programme each Participant is assigned a Mentor – who works with them to build their own Personal Action Plan. This Plan outlines their needs and identifies areas for development. The Mentors then provide ongoing and consistent support and advice to help in the Participants’ journey back into the community, work, volunteering or education.

Working holistically builds a knowledge of skills and an understanding that will enable issues to be resolved more quickly, services to be identified at the point of need and better-targeted approach to employment or education when ready to take that step.
Participants are busy and they are more likely to share when they are engaged in practical activities.
Mentors always seek to enable Participants to move on in their lives and become independent members of the community. This is not always a quick process for some whose lifestyle and mental health issues are entrenched, as a result we do not put limits on the length of time that people can work with us, provided that they are engaged and making progress towards their goals.
Individuals with long standing substance abuse or mental health issues need to move at their own pace in pursuit of their personal goals and independence.