HACRO Completes Herts Community Foundation Building Effectiveness Programme

Feb 28, 2018

HACRO has just completed a 12 month programme run by the Hertfordshire Community Foundation to build effectiveness in the voluntary sector across the county. HACRO was one of 10 charities chosen to participate on the basis of their capacity and ambition to change.

“We very much wanted to take part in this programme, because we have to be fit for purpose in a world where charities must compete for business, bid for contracts, define their objectives and measure their results,” said Neil Ashley Chair of HACRO who represented the charity on the course.

“Building Effectiveness has helped HACRO become better organized, more focused, and to deliver a major new initiative to help offenders into the world of work – WorkAbility. That would not have happened without the Building Effectiveness stimulus. We are grateful to the HCF tutors, to our advisor Viv Lawman, and to our mentor Will Hobhouse, for all their help and support. We also learned a lot from our fellow charities on the course, sharing experience and best practice in workshop sessions we shared with the house cat!.”

“I would recommend Building Effectiveness to any charity that wants to raise itself to the next level.” said Neil Ashley.

Sarah Elliott, Project Manager, HCF Training and Development, commented, “We are delighted with the way Building Effectiveness has gone in its first year and it is very rewarding to see how HACRO and the other nine organisations have benefited from the programme. We would like to congratulate them all for the effort and enthusiasm they have put into the changes and developments they have made this year. This has been a great opportunity too for HCF Training and Development to progress from providing learning and skills for individuals to developing whole organisations.”

Click here for more information about Building Effectiveness.